Friday, July 6, 2012

Fun in the Sun!

We have been busy in the Sullivan household and a bit slack I must say with the blog. Riley is growing up so fast! Everyone says 12-18 months is the best age and I could not agree more. We are trying to soak up every minute of this fun and exciting age.

Riley is talking up a storm, although we don't know what she says most of the time, but she acts like she is really reading aloud or trying to tell us a story. We have a whopping 25 lb plus on our hands and she is a fantastic eater. Riley loves bubbles, the pool, beach, books, babies and animals. Some favorite words are baby, dog, cat, bubbles, and duck. Riley makes animal noises and it is just adorable. She is becoming a little girl now and it's just a blast.

 I will try to be better about posting and updating, but summer is BUSY!

 Playing with uncle Wes at the beach

 Maggie Valley!

 Loved feeding the ducks
 Hiking with dad
 Graveyard fields hike with Emily and dad!
 My first bus ride up the mountain
 Inside Chimney Rock
 Beautiful View
 We made it to the top!
 Beautiful waterfall
 Helping Noni water the flowers

 Playing with my friend on July 4th
 Happy 4th of July from our family to yours

 My daddy and I! 
 LOVES the water
LOVE! could just squeeze those little legs.