Hi Everyone! I will start by wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. The doctor said I coudl eat turkey mashed up, but mommy and daddy are not sure but I am looking forward to it and may sneak some while they are not looking.
I went for my 6 months appointment and I am 18.2 lbs, and 27 1/4 inches tall. I am in the 95% for my height and 85% for my weight. Doctor Edwards says I am growing perfectly. I eat three meals a day and love everything! I am sitting up on my own and playing with all kinds of toys. I LOVE to stand up with the assistance of mommy and daddy, but I am not crawling yet. My parents think I will just go straight to walking, but I'm full of surprises, so we shall see. Anything that comes within my reach I will grab, so watch out. Laughing and giggling are my favorite things to do, so if you want a laugh just come on over and I will crack you up and make your day so enjoyable. I had my six month pictures taken that mommy will share next blog post and boy, are they AWESOME. I just had my Christmas picture taken as well so when the photographer gets those to us, mommy will share as well. I love the camera! That is all for now. Happy Turkey day.