It's official, my big brother is married!! HOORAY! We just adore Emily and could not be happier for the two of them. I tried to take pictures but with all of your family there it is hard to be the photographer, so needless to say I did not take many pics and there are none from the wedding night. Once the professional photographer sends the link, I promise I will share them with you, but for now here is a sneak peak from the bridal luncheon, rehearsal dinner and a few shots of getting ready!! The wedding was in Greenville, SC so we headed that way Thursday morning and boy was it a whirlwind of a weekend. There was not a time to rest all weekend but we love it that way, family all around, enjoying each others company, laughing, cutting up, you know how it is:) The last event was a Sunday brunch and then we hit the road. WHAT A GREAT WEEKEND.. I wish it never ended:) Congratulations to Meade and Emily. We LOVE YOU and have so much fun in St. Thomas!

Adorable bridesmaids lunch. Emily gave the bridesmaids cute monogrammed bags and then earrings and a necklace which we wore to match our bridesmaids dresses. The picture Meade and Emily are holding is what I do for EVERYONE who gets married. It was one of my favorite gifts and so I had their invitation painted and then framed it, they loved it!

The luncheon was held at an adorable restaurant called Twiggs Tempietto. The food was delicious and atmosphere was so cute. The way they brought the food out was so cute and I am definitely going to have to steal this idea:) They brought out the food in a 3 tier server. The top tier was cheese and fruit, the second tier was couscous and chicken salad and the bottom tier was quiche and sweet potato salad. Cheesecake was for dessert. The food was so YUMMMY!
Mom did a wonderful job organizing the rehersal dinner, I did help a little:) The dessert table was eyecatching, it included cupcakes from Meade's favorite sports teams: Clemon Tigers (long time love), ECU (college), and St. Louis Cardinals (longtime love). Peach cobbler and peacan bites also added to the dessert display which went along with the "southern theme. "

The appetizers were so southern and displayed well. Fried green tomatoes, deviled eggs and pimento cheese sandwiches. The main menu was all Southern food from fried chicken and fried okra to zucchini casserole BBQ chicken, BBQ pork, green salad, slaw, mom's infamous patio beans and gosh I guess cornbread and biscuits.. It was sooo yummy. I hope I am not forgetting anything.

Emily looked so beautiful and Meade looked handsome. I could not be more happy for the two of them. Wedding pictures to come........
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