First Mother's Day! What a special day. Mommy woke up to a sweet baby girl with big blue eyes starring at her.. my heart melted. We went to brunch at the club, then had a nice relaxing afternoon at home and went for a family walk. Riley gave mommy a necklace with a R on it and I love it! It was such a special day!
Riley is great at tummy time. She has a very strong neck and can hold herself up very well at this age. She smiled at 5 weeks and oh my goodness it melted my heart but by 6 weeks she was smiley all the time and it is the cutest thing ever.
Memorial Day, Papa came to visit and then Noni came to visit, then the Morrison's came. We had a lot of visitors in one week:) We loved it. Riley and Clark got to play and they were so cute together. We can't wait to see everyone next week in Charlotte.
Enjoy the pics:

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