Monday, June 27, 2011

Two Months

Well, here we are again and it is two months now, boy time is flying. Our sweet little angel is growing up so fast and we are more in love every day. Big milestones this month were her first smile, cooing and recognizing her voice and the bumbo. Mommy and Riley were looking in the mirror at 5 weeks one morning and there she saw herself and smiled, my heart melted, it was the sweetest thing. At 6 weeks she smiled all the time. We have been in the pool and ocean and she loves the water. Riley loves listening to herself talk and coos all the time, it is the most precious sound I have ever heard. We slept through the night at 8 weeks but that was just a one time shot, other than that we wake up once a night so she is doing great. Riley keeps her head up in the bumbo and it is hilarious, she looks like a little girl:) We love you sweet pea and can't wait to see what next month brings. xoxo

I am a week behind on the post however the photos were taken exactly at two months:) Enjoy!

Mommy loves to monogram the onesies


Look at those legs:)

Happy as a clam

I love to eat my hands:)

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