As I sit here to write this post, I am honestly shocked that 6 months has already FLOWN by. Everyone says it goes fast and boy, were they right. Our sweet baby girl brings pure love and genuine laughter to our hearts everyday. Now a word from the princess herself:
Hello family and friends! Yes, I am 1/2 year old today and having such a great day. I had my friends over to play, ate two packs of mum mums and I was able to open a new toy. I am sitting up now and it's so fun. I do NOT like to lay down anymore. I reach and grab EVERYTHING in site so watch out mommies if you have earrings, I love to pull them. I give very wet kisses and love to laugh when I play with mommy and daddy. I am still loving the excersaucer, outdoor swing and I have a few other new toys which I LOVE. I am eating peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, green beans, bannas, applesauce and oatmeal and love all of it. I am a very big eating and sometimes I think my mommy thinks I am eating too much but I keep telling her I am hungry:) I went to the pumpkin patch twice this month with my friends and then again with my family. We had a blast looking at all the pumpkins and I got to pick out four myself. Looking forward to Halloween and my amazing costume:) Ok off to bed, have a big day tomorrow.

A present for me? You shouldn't have!