Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

It's officially Fall now that we have made our visit to the pumpkin patch and we are loving it. Our playgroup decided to take a filed trip to the pumpkin patch because we had to get these cuties in front of pumpkins for our adorable picture. All girls are within three months of one another and Kate and Riley were born on the same day just two doors down from one another:). We could not have asked for better weather and we had a blast. Later that afternoon we went back as a family to actually pick out pumpkins and we had such a special afternoon. Our first trip with miss Riley was so much fun and only the first of many years at the pumpkin patch. Happy Fall ya'll!

Kate, Elle, Olivia, Charlotte and Riley

Kate, Elle and Riley

Mommy and girls

Our Sweet Family