What a fun weekend and great way to celebrate the Kentucky Derby with The Junior League of Wilmington's 2nd annual Mint Julep Jubilee!!! We had a ball!! We enjoyed the beautiful Saturday afternoon sipping on mint juleps, vino, eating yummy food, playing boccie ball, bidding on horses, enjoying great friends, listening to a great band and last but not least watching the race. Oh let me also mention a silent auction....from first hand experience I will tell you that drinking and betting is T-R-O-U-B-L-E. Matt and I bet on a trip to Vegas, which we won and a family portrait package that we thought his mom would be so excited about and pay us back. Needless to say she was not excited so we are keeping it for goodness sake, I hope it lasts long so we can use it for our babies..... {I know... not likely}. We are excited about the Vegas three night stay and just need to figure out when to go. We are thinking a Fall trip out West is the perfect time because it is so beautiful out there that time of year. YAY, I love vacations.
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