Beach, fireworks, family, friends, cookouts and American flags,....yes, you guessed it, it is INDEPENDENCE DAY that we are celebrating. The 4th of July is always so fun, especially when you even get to live at the beach:) My brother, Meade and soon to be sister-in-law, Emily as well as our friends Katie and Klare Burch came to visit and we had a blast. The weekends are never long enough no matter how many days you have off and we are so sad it is over:( We shared great laughs, lots of great food and lots of fun drinks! I will share the recipes on my next post but wanted to share our fun pictures from the weekend. Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July, HOORAY for the RED, WHITE and BLUE!

Hey pretty lady...lovin' the pics! I know yall had a blast! Tell "Matty" I said hey! I hope to see yall really soon! xoxo