By now you have to know that I love Easter, but did you know it was my second favorite holiday?I have blogged several times already and this time I will share a bit about a tradition in out family-The Funke Easter Egg Cracking contest!!

My mom and I always decorate our Easter eggs every year!!! When my brothers were younger they enjoyed it and my dad may have dyed one or two but it has dwendled down to mom and I. THE ALL FAMOUS EGG CRACKING CONTEST-We have an egg cracking contest in our family that has been passed down by my mothers side of the family for MANY generations. It is so fun and we always look forward to the contest every year. I think I won three years in a row. YIPPEE!!! Every participant receives two eggs. The youngest player starts (we will call this player A) by turning to the person to their left (player B) and player B holds their egg while player A taps the top of player B's egg. Whichever side has a crack they loose just that round but still has three other chances to win throughout he game. Now player B turns to the player to their left (player C) and repeat the steps. This will continue until ONE PERSON has an uncracked side and that means they are the winner!! Don't forget you have two ends of each egg so you have four chances to win:) Feel free to ask questions if you don't understand. IT IS A BLAST! This will certainly continue to be passeddown to my family as well. Hope you make it a tradition in your family!!! I will update you on the winner on Sunday:) Happy cracking!

Find great egg dying ideas from Martha Stewart's website.
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